9 Oct 2013

US Releases $100 Banknote With New Security Features

The US Federal Reserve has issued a new hi-tech $100 banknote comprising several new security features.
It includes a blue 3D security ribbon and a bell and inkwell logo that authorities say are particularly difficult to replicate.

These combine with traditional security features, such as a portrait watermark and an embedded security thread that glows pink under ultraviolet light. The 2010 design was delayed because of "unexpected production challenges".

The 3D security ribbon - which is woven into the note, not printed on it - features images of 100s that change into bells and move upwards or sideways depending on how you tilt the paper.
US authorities say that $100 bill is the most counterfeited of all US banknotes. The US Secret Service estimates that counterfeit bills account for less than 0.01% of the $1.1 trillion (£683bn) of US money in circulation.

It says about $80.7m of counterfeit currency changed hands domestically in 2012, and about $14.5m abroad.

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