4 Jan 2016

Reverend Mpho Tutu, Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s daughter weds her lesbian partner


Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu and Professor Marceline van Furth, married in The Netherlands on Wednesday, 30th of Dec. 2015. Mpho, a mother-of-two, is an ordained Episcopal priest. She was previously married to

Joseph Burris, with whom she had her 2 children.

Mpho’s father, Archbishop Tutu, 84, is a much loved South African Archbishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner who has been a supporter of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender rights for a long time and says he will never worship a homophobic God and will rather go to hell.

Furth is a professor in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the Vrije University in Amsterdam, and holds the Desmond Tutu Chair in Medicine at the university. It is the 2nd marriage for both….. may God bless their union n may it inspire many more ppl to take d bold step…..

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