9 Jan 2016

Mechanic who murdered his close friend, admits raping her first


Peter Kibisu, 23, a BMW mechanic, has admitted sexually assaulting Elizabeth Nnyanzi, 31, – a close friend whose family home he was lodging in, before strangling her to death. Nnyanzi, a City lawyer, was so close to Kibisu, she called

him her cousin.

Nnyanzi was killed in her bedroom at the £600,000 London home she shared with her parents and two sisters. Kibisu was arrested on suspicion of murder a day later. Nnyanzi studied medicine before switching to follow in her father’s footsteps as a lawyer.

She worked for a number of charities and was a gifted singer. Her charity work included volunteering at Freedom from Torture, a charity network with links to Amnesty International.

Before embarking on her legal career, Nnyanzi had carried out volunteering work in a hospital in Uganda, the country where her father grew up. Her family will be present when Kibisu is sentenced on February 1.

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