23 Jan 2015

Michelle Williams slams politician for saying Jay Z exploits Beyonce as a sex object

Michelle Williams has been sticking up for Beyonce lately.
She slammed former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee after he called Jay Z a "pimp" for "exploiting his wife as a sex object."

Stopping by "The View",the hosts asked him to elaborate on why he said that in his book,and he said..

"I've had so much uproar over half a page...half a page in my book,"And I say she's the most amazing singer, great set of pipes, unbelievable dancer and she doesn't need to do songs like 'Partition' and 'Drunk in Love'
in order to be an effective and an amazing talent. "It really—because she's such a role model for so many young women and this is what I said and it was a simple illustration,"Half a page in a 270-page book, and I'm thinking, my gosh, that's all I've heard about this week." 

"You can't mess with the queen bee," Rosie O'Donnell replied
Michelle Chimed in...
"You know what, you definitely can't mess with her," "But as someone who has definitely come up in a group with her, has seen her hard work and who she is, I just feel like, you know, that album and those songs—it's that one moment where she decided to probably do some songs she's always wanted to do to shed that 'I'm a good girl.' She had some freedom and she owned it and she took it, so I was definitely offended. I'm not the Carter spokesperson, but to hear some of those comments that you said I thought were very, very, very low."
"I respect you," . "And this is not to, you know, throw mud and tomatoes and all that stuff."

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