12 Mar 2014

Why I impregnated my own daughter twice

Killion Moyo
A 65-year-antique declared healer from Bezha Village in Umzingwane district impregnated three young people from the village including his own daughter for whom he paid Z$80 billion bride price.

Angry villagers upon 18 February converged at headman Nkalas homestead demanding the arrest of Killion Moyo, describing him as a sex predator from whom their children were not safe.

Nkala said the matter was reported to Esigodini police.

According to Chronicle News, Moyo fathered two kids aged four and three taking into account his daughter. He warned he would send lightning to strike anyone asking approximately his relationships.

A neighbours daughter afterward has Moyos kids aged eight and five though substitute girl who reportedly fled to neighbouring South Africa, has a three-year-early child behind the conventional healer.

Moyo confessed to a Chronicle News crew that he had been sleeping when his daughter yet to be 2003 with she was in Grade Seven, alleging it was a showing off of appeasing the moving picture of his late wife.

Further, he astonished villagers alleging that he had paid Z$80 billion lobola (bride price) to his daughters grandmother. He plus confessed that he has been sleeping later two gathering youth girls from the village.

A villager said: We are alarmed of Moyo because he always threatens to strike people past than lightning. He has been full of beans in a string of child abuse and rape cases for many years.

One of the victims aged 23, told Chronicle that she was in Grade Seven forward she was told by her parents that she was going to stay furthermore than Moyo because he was now answerable for paying her fees.

She said Moyo did not send her to educational but started involving her in his rituals.
Moyo gave me a remove room but at night he would sneak into my blankets and publicize me that I was a wife of the spirits.

He took my virginity raping me until I fell pregnant at the age of 14. He threatened me along in the middle of lightning if I tried to control away. As it is, I have two kids following him and he does not taking office care of them, said the victim, who has back fled backing to her parents.

Her dad, Lazarus Dube said Moyo tricked him into allowing him to marry his numb-age daughter by promising him gorgeous potatoes and cattle.

He never brought the cattle or the sweet potatoes, said Dube.

Moyo told Chronicle that the vivaciousness of his late wife Joyce Mpofu ordered him to marry their daughter. His wife died in 1990.

My wife worked once me during my rituals. After her death she grief-stricken me through dreams, asking me to see for a girl belonging to the intimates who was going to see eye to eye her role, said Moyo, displaying a toothless grin.

I discussed by now my mother-in-put it on, Petheni Moyo-Bhebhe asking her to manage to pay for me a wife from her associates hence that I could solve my problems. She very to replace Joyce when my daughter, now 23-years-primordial.

Moyo said he took his daughter to his shrine, which he calls Elitsheni and introduced her to the ancestors who supervisor their marriage.

He option: I paid my mother-in-action Z$80 billion lobola. She refused to control by tallying associates nearly the matter. I later started sleeping in the same way as her.

Chronicle caught happening when Moyo-Bhebhe who denied facilitating the marriage.

I was staying subsequent to (her grand daughter) in the back she went to stay subsequent to her father after writing her Grade Seven examinations. Her dad promised to receive her to college.

After two years I heard that she was now pregnant. I went to the homestead to ask who was held liable for the pregnancy.

When I arrived, Moyo fled from the homestead even though she told me that a village guy was responsible for the pregnancy, said Moyo-Bhebhe.

She said bearing in mind she heard rumours just about the incestuous connection; she questioned her granddaughter who accused her of physical jealous.

I selected to depart them alone and I was horrified past than she fell pregnant again the later year. In 2012 she came to my address subsequent to her children and wanted to depart them in the middle of me. She told me that she had realised that all was wrong and she could not bear her sins but I chased her away and told her to leave the children in the midst of their dad.

She dumped the children at Moyos homestead and disappeared, she add-on.

Police spokesperson for Matabeleland South, Assistant Inspector Christopher Ngwenya said his office was yet to moreover a description nearly the matter.

1 comment:

  1. He just learned from the holy Roman Catholic priests: holy mother church is teaching the world how sex needs to be driven in this life, according to Mary's mandates...
