21 Mar 2014

Omg The Missing Malaysian Plane Reportedly Found After How Many Days -Video Scam

Omg The Missing Màlàyslan Plane Reportedly F0und After H0w Many Days -Video Scam
The Facebook post below: "OMG! The Missing MÀlÀySlan plane reportedly f0und after h0w many days of search and retrieval operati0ns - WÀtch this Vide0 ..", is a survey and Facebook video scam. This scam will trick you into 'liking', sharing, completing surveys and installing a malicious Facebook application that will send itself to all of your Facebook friends.
There is no video, so do not be tricked into completing the surveys. Cybercriminals will use graphic or fake images, which they claim is a video, to trick gullible Facebook users into clicking on, thinking they will be able to view the videos depicted by the images.

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