26 Mar 2014

French satellite spots 122 objects in Indian Ocean that could be debris from MH370

A satellite has captured images of 122 objects in the Indian Ocean that might be from the missing plane, Malaysia’s acting transport minister said Wednesday.

Hishammuddin Hussein said the objects were seen close to where three other satellites previously detected objects, adding that the sightings together are “the most credible lead that we have.”

The satellite has found objects in a 155 square-mile area
Hishammuddin said the images were taken Sunday and were relayed by French-based Airbus Defense and Space. The objects ranged in length from one yard to 25 yards. Various floating objects have been spotted by planes and satellites, but none has been retrieved or identified.

Meanwhile, investigators trying to solve the mystery of the missing jet were focusing on a final partial electronic signal eight minutes after the last complete signal between the plane and the satellite that may shed light on the jetliner’s fate.

“At this time, this transmission is not understood and is subject to further ongoing work,” Hussein told reporters at a press conference on Tuesday.

Inmarsat, a British satellite communications company that provided data on the plane’s location, is investigating the so-called “partial ping” as “a failed login” to its satellite network or as a “potential attempt by the system to reset itself,” The Wall Street Journal reported late Tuesday.

Chris McLaughlin, senior vice president of Inmarsat, told the paper the company’s engineers and investigators were trying to determine what caused the incomplete ping, recorded several hours after the plane left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board.

“We’re not looking at this [partial ping] as someone trying to turn on the system and communicate,” he said.

Malaysia announced earlier this week that a mathematical analysis of the final known satellite signals from the plane had proved beyond doubt it gone down in the sea, taking the lives of all 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The conclusions were based on an analysis of the brief signals the plane sent every hour to a satellite belonging to Inmarsat even after other communication systems on the jetliner shut down for unknown reasons.

The airline’s chairman, Mohammed Nor Mohammed Yusof, warned it may take a long time for further answers to become clear.

“The investigation still underway may yet prove to be even longer and more complex than it has been since March 8th,” he said.

The multinational hunt for the missing jet resumed Wednesday across a remote stretch of the Indian Ocean after fierce winds and high waves that had forced a daylong halt eased considerably.

A total of 12 planes and two ships from the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand were participating in the search, hoping to find even a single piece of the Malaysia Airlines jet that could offer tangible evidence of a crash.

On Wednesday, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is coordinating the southern search operation Malaysia’s behalf, said a U.S Towed Pinger Locator arrived in Perth along with Bluefin-21 underwater drone. The equipment will be fitted to the Australian naval ship, the Ocean Shield, but AMSA could not say when they would be deployed.

The new data from the satellite signals vastly shrunk search zone, but it remains huge — an area estimated at 622,000 square miles, about the size of Alaska.

“We’re throwing everything we have at this search,” Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Nine network television on Wednesday.

“This is about the most inaccessible spot imaginable. It’s thousands of kilometers from anywhere,” he later told Seven Network television. He vowed that “we will do what we can to solve this riddle.”

In Beijing, some families held out a glimmer of hope their loved ones might somehow have survived. About two-thirds of the missing are Chinese, and their relatives have lashed out at Malaysia for essentially declaring their family members dead without any physical evidence of the plane’s remains. Many also believe that the Malaysian officials have not been transparent or swift in communicating information with them about the status of the search.

Wang Chunjiang, whose brother was on the plane, said he felt “very conflicted.”

“We want to know the truth, but we are afraid the debris of the plane should be found,” he said while waiting at a hotel near the Beijing airport for a meeting with Malaysian officials. “If they find debris, then our last hope would be dashed. We will not have even the slightest hope.”

In China’s capital a day earlier, nearly 100 relatives and their supporters marched to the Malaysian Embassy, where they threw plastic water bottles, tried to rush the gate and shouted, “Tell the truth! Return our relatives!”

In a statement of support for the families, Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered a special envoy to Kuala Lumpur to deal with the case, and Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Hangsheng told Malaysia’s ambassador that China wanted to know exactly what led to the announcement that the plane had been lost, a statement on the ministry’s website said.

Investigators will be looking at various possibilities, including mechanical or electrical failure, hijacking, sabotage, terrorism or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or someone else on board.

The search for the wreckage and the plane’s flight data and cockpit voice recorders could take years because the ocean can extend to up to 23,000 feet deep in some parts. It took two years to find the black box from an Air France jet that went down in the Atlantic Ocean on a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in 2009, and searchers knew within days where the crash site was.

There is a race against the clock to find Flight 370′s black boxes, whose battery-powered “pinger” could stop sending signals within two weeks. The batteries are designed to last at least a month.

David Ferreira, an oceanographer at the University of Reading in Britain, said little is known about the detailed topography of the seabed where the plane is believed to have crashed.

“We know much more about the surface of the moon than we do about the ocean floor in that part of the Indian Ocean,” Ferreira said.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is coordinating the southern search operation Malaysia’s behalf, said the focus Wednesday will be on an 30,900 square miles swathe of ocean. Ships and aircraft are looking for possible debris that has drifted from the suspected crash zone. The area is about 1,240 miles southwest of Perth.

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology warned that weather was expected to deteriorate again Thursday with a cold front passing through the search area that bring rain thunderstorms, low clouds and strong winds.

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