28 Feb 2014

Over 900 Turtles Found Dead On Indian Beach

Over 900 sea turtles have been found dead along the coast in southern India, conservationists proclamation, blaming illegal fishing near their sanctuaries.

Supraja Dharini of the Tree Foundation, a marine conservation organization, said trawlers fishing illegally along the coast of Andhra Pradesh disclose were not taking measures to subside turtles from getting entangled in the nets.
She said on top of 800 dead Olive Ridley turtles were washed stranded almost Saturday, and 100 more were found upon Sunday.

Such a big loss of the species in one night is sophisticated than three era the sum number recorded in the tallying six years in the region, she said, toting taking place: To say it is a tragedy would be a indecent understatement.

Mr Dharini said to the lead-thinking than 45 trawlers were fishing roughly four kilometres from the shore days in front the turtle deaths, whereas fishing regulations make it mandatory for trawlers to play at least eight kilometres from the shore.

Olive Ridleys are one of the five species of sea turtle found in Indian waters.

The turtles are classified as vulnerable, by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and nest upon Indian shores along between January and April.

The World Wide Fund for Nature estimates that there are 800,000 female Olive Ridleys worldwide.

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