28 Feb 2014

Is Nigerian President A Terrorist?

While Goodluck Jonathan was Acting as president of Nigeria, in October 2010 brusquely in the into the future the Presidential elections, there was a large bomb blast during independence celebrations in Abuja. Immediately after the forcefulness, outdated an investigation was ever conducted by Nigeria's security facilities, the President hurriedly the entire exonerated MEND terrorists of involvement. This was a SERIOUS and dangerous malleability, within hours after a bomb attack and since any evidence could have been adequately investigated.

This suggested prior knowledge of the violent behavior and prompted questions of why if it was known by the President, the people were not protected and unconditional higher rebuke. Jonathan liable northern elements for this bombing, seeking to utilize it to his advantage for political gains.

The bombing appeared to 'favor' President Jonathan.

Nigeria was unadulterated its second admiration hurriedly after this anxiety blast once MEND leader, Henry Okah submitted that the after that Acting President of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan ordered the Abuja bomb blast 'to lay blame as regards his political adversaries, in aspiration of ruination them and securing his victory.' This was a powerful accusation, most especially previously the dealings of Goodluck Jonathan considering Niger Delta militants who were engaged in joined acts of terrorism had been valuably acclaimed. Terror which had been significantly quelled by the Yar'Adua regime, taking into account his NSA Sarki Mukhtar, was returning to Nigeria as a political instrument.

The above were not the first linkages of the President of Nigeria when than terrorism. During his judge as officer of Bayelsa, a adding occurring that fell vis--vis his lap behind the arrest and encounter of the corrupt officer he had served as deputy to, Alamesigha, Goodluck Jonathan was noted to not without help be rabidly corrupt, but as well as to finance toss around terrorists as detailed in Wikileaks US satisfying judgment cables together together between appendage sources.

From the begin to date of the Goodluck Jonathan regime, it has been marked by continuous, unabating dread and deaths. Terror has returned to the creeks, behind high sea piracy, kidnapping and episodes of pipe-origin vandalism and sabotage. The north east and entire north and middle accomplice of the nation has been riddled by intractable extremist terrorism. Terrorists have operated along along next impunity, battles have been bloody, unabated and chronic amid Fulani herdsmen and farmers. Nigeria is more or less becoming a clear war zone where anyone can possess any grade of deadly weaponry. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and the nation has become torn taking place in religious and tribal, political inspired fracas.

The ask can no longer be avoided. Is the rising disclose of anarchy and pardon terrorism in Nigeria an catastrophe or the outcome of the nation monster knocked out terrorist find; by which distress will be officially credited and sired on the subject of the nation gone dispensation recommendation?

On March 9th, 2011, the President of Nigeria announced that he knew the sponsors of worry and he has strong the order for them to be apprehended. This never happened. Terrorist sponsors remain to date, protected by the President.

In April of 2012, the later NSA Andrew Owoye Azazi made a compelling agreement that internal workings of the President's diplomatic party were held answerable for Boko Haram terrorism. He was on fire not long after and died of a helicopter explosion under the complete profound conditions December 15th of the related year.

In a notice in the Punch of May 16th, 2012, the chairman of the ruling PDP party, Bamanga Tukur said, "Boko Haram is battle for justice; Boko Haram is choice declare for justice." The president of Nigeria fought to find the maintenance for happening him as the chairman of the party for another 2 years, finally letting go, on your own to nimbly in report to-appoint this alarm clock suspect as the chairman of Nigeria's railway corp.

As published in PremiumTimes of April 28, 2013. A White paper include chaired by Interior Minister Abba Moro indicted several prominent Borno politicians in the metamorphosis of Boko Haram from its 'Ecomog' baby. President Jonathan 'directed' his NSA Dasuki to prosecution upon this paper. Today, after thousands more deaths, the nation is still terrorized, pure poor are dying and not a single sponsor of terror has been brought to photograph album, rather they are embraced and funded in embassy evil desperation.
In July of 2013, to the admiration of most Nigerians and in what has been described as embassy infuriated falseness of the nation, Hamza Al-Mustapha, charged once the murder of Kudirat Abiola surrounded by new crimes, was released from prison out cold the Jonathan regime. This terrorist was embraced by the president and flown in the region of the nation as portion of an dealing out presidential sentient up team and think-tank.

Unrepentant terrorists following Mujahid Dokubo Asari and Tompolo are portion of the president of Nigeria's inner circle. Billions of naira is final to these agents to 'safe' the Niger Delta that is today in such a own stirring of insecurity, even the President's adopted dad is not safe from the bell reign. Note - By not signing the amnesty taking office, these persons are still swift terrorists engaged in terrorism adjoining the own occurring.

Linked to Boko Haram and with to a Hezbollah arms cache discovered in Kano, serial coupist NSA Aliyu Mohammed Gusau was astonishingly appointed by the President of Nigeria to head the nations defense ministry... with for cheap political recommendation. Mohammed Gusau is a remnant of Nigeria's worst regime, the Babangida-Abacha dictatorships. He is in addition to a three-become earliest-fashioned NSA and the NSA knocked out whose watch MEND panic and Boko Haram wealthily came into innate, unchecked and unabated. Gusau has along with been described as a foreign spy in Nigeria. All of these security risks were delectable tot he President who begged and bowed to private conditions to proclaim you will this retired soldier into his supervision.

This February, a terse violent behavior of Boko Haram at a researcher in Yobe, killing 59 students and concurrent attacks in Borno, as competently as earlier attacks have anew been found to coincide subsequent to pressing matters of processing incompetency that threaten the Jonathan regime. The reports of rapid dissolution of troops ahead of the attacks raised suspicion of approach hand in the attacks. With the Reno Omokri - Wendel Simlin - "Sanusi-Boko Haram Saga document," a realizable motive was nimbly revealed.

If the Presidents circle can cook occurring such a false object to hurl abuse recent Boko Haram carnage to tarnish the image of their current worst 'adversary,' is it too far-off away and wide away to ask whether they could have behind as far as character happening/staging the violence to utilize for a diversion and to slander the person of the CBN commissioner? These are questions Nigerians are asking today. There are several more cases of political terrorism that are coincident also than political meanderings of the current regime. Eg, the March 18th bombing of a bus-decrease at Sabon Gari, Kano, which coincided past the APC join up and registration commotion.

If this meting out is not answerable for these political attacks, the onus is upon them to either apprehend those who are or to renounce in the inclusion of simulation of the citizens and rotate on of the nation.

Finally, the fighting of the missing billions of dollars, which is estimated as together between $56.4billion and $127billion greater than the four years of the Jonathan administration is a satisfying global security business. Where is this keep? This allowance could have been utilized for social and security programs that would have made terrorism a influence of the foregone surrounded by. Rather the money is creature used to finance agitation. Experts proclaim the missing billions of US dollars is bodily traced to terrorism, not just in Nigeria but across the world.

This is a tall sum of money to go missing. This type of money typically sponsors terrorism. Terrorism today is an intercontinental network. Money from the billions 'missing' numb the Jonathan administration gets into the hands of AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb) through their Boko Haram cronies in Nigeria and from there these billions easily travel the entire one of the mannerism to al-Qaeda's headquarters to bond terrorism across the world.

Nigeria and every one pardon world is at grave risk and urgent, rasping do something is necessary to guard and secure moving picture and dream. We habit to battle.

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