15 Oct 2013

Hundreds Of Nigerian Prisoners In The UK To Be Sent Back Home To Serve Out Their Sentence

Hundreds of Nigerian criminals will be sent home to serve out prison sentences under a deal set to be struck by ministers within weeks.

According to DailyMail, talks are continuing into reaching a compulsory prisoner transfer agreement, which could see more than half of the 500 criminals from Nigeria currently in UK jails repatriated.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to end the practice of the British taxpayer picking up the bill for criminals with no business in the UK, which is about £40, 000 a year for each felon.
Britain says instead it would pay to build new prisons in countries like Nigeria to speed up the process of sending foreign criminals home.
Up to £1million has been promised to upgrade Nigerian jails, including a new wing at Kirikiri Prison in Lagos.

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