2 Sept 2013

My father quit boxing when an opponent beat him — Prophet Abiara’s son

Isreal, a son to Prophet Kayode Abiara, in this interview with GBENGA ADENIJI talks about the values that make his father unique among other things

Can you briefly describe yourself?

My name is Israel Abiara. I am the third in a family of eight children of Prophet and Prophetess Kayode Abiara. We have three set of twins in our family. I am a part of the second set of twins. I am a pastor and a singer.

What is the feeling like being one of the children of Prophet Abiara?

It is a great privilege to be one of his children. However, I always try to be as humble as I can be especially when I think of the wonderful ways God has been using him to propagate His word. I do not get to a place and announce who my father is. I allow my attitude to speak first before people realize the son of who I am.

What memories of your growing up years can you recall?

One thing I cannot forget is that when we were younger, my father dwelt so much on the 10 commandments for us. We were always made to recite the 10 commandments offhand and we watched only Christian movies such as Jesus of Nazareth and Samson and Delilah

He believes that it is only the word of God that can take a man to whatever height he wishes to attain in life. He also made us to know that he and our mother are the prophets that God has given us to make our journey through life successfully. He made us to fear God in all our ways. He did not condone truancy and also encouraged us to be hard working. No child was allowed to be absent from school even if he or she was sick. Though we had some people who helped us with household chores, he ensured that we independently carried out our assigned household chores. If we refused, he would spank us.  He whipped any child who missed Sunday School. I remember one day when some of us jumped the fence to pluck mangoes in a garden at the back of our house. He caught us in the act and beat all of us.

With what did he use to spank? 

My father used horse whip to correct us whenever we misbehaved. In fact, he used to say that until he saw marks on the back of the erring child, which he or she would show to his children, he would not stop the beating.

Were there things your mates enjoyed then which your disciplined background denied you of?

Yes, there were things we were not allowed to do which our friends enjoyed. For instance, we cannot watch any kind of movies. They were censored. We cannot play any kind of music. It must either be gospel songs or nothing. But as our father began to grow older, the laws are becoming relaxed. Our movement was restricted. Boys were not allowed to receive female visitors likewise girls cannot invite male friends into the house.

How did he grow his children spiritually?

My father made us study the Bible always. He made it a rule that  everybody must fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. No cook dared put anything on fire on those days. Even during holidays, he would make sure we were on the mountains to pray. He employed an elderly driver who would drive us to the mountains and bring us back. By the time we combined the prayers on mountains, summer school and youth meetings in the church, the holidays would have ended.  I think my father was very spiritual in our upbringing. We studied hard and prayed hard as well.

What was his contribution to the career choice of his children?

When we were to choose our disciplines, dad did not influence our choice.  Being a prophet, I think he had an inkling of what everybody would opt for. For instance, when I told him I wanted to study medicine, he asked me quietly if that was what I really wanted to do because I had been preaching since I was young.  He gave me all the support when I was offered admission to the University of Ibadan to study dentistry. In fact, all my medical books were bought from London. He ensured that I had the latest editions of all the books. But unfortunately, I did not complete the programme because I was involved in some other things while studying. I later realised that I do not have the capacity to concentrate on many things at the same time. I was in school and organising  concerts all over the country. So, at the end of the day, I was not able to complete the programme. Even in choosing a partner, my father does not interfere. He never rejected anybody any of his children chose to marry. He only asked if that child was sure of his or her choice. He always says his observation concerning the person any of his children introduces to him. He believes that he has trained us in the fear of God to be able to make the right choices in life. To him, as the Bible says, you can train up a child; you cannot train an adult.

How did he react to your inability to complete the course?

He was disappointed but he did not really show it. He only asked me what I wanted to do afterwards and I told him I would like to earn a degree in psychology. He gave me a good support in that regard. When I finished the programme, he told me to go to a Bible school since I also wanted to be a minister of God. Even up till now, he still buys books for me because he believes one day, I would still go to the seminary. I told him that I may still consider that. But for now, I do not want anything to affect my music evangelism.

With his busy nature attending crusades within and outside the country, how does he create time for his family?   

Well, before I left secondary school, my two elder siblings, Isaac and Mary, were abroad. My mother was at home to cater for the home front and I was always around to assist her. The burden of taking care of my younger ones was less. My father had less time to attend to us because of his ministry work. But he managed to create time to be with his family.

Where did he take members of his family to whenever he ‘managed’ to create time for them?

On those occasions, he would take us to a park. My father is a typical Ijesha man. He does not have time for picnics. When we were all together, on Easter Monday, we would all be in church and on Christmas Day, there was always a get-together at home after service. On his birthday, if we wish him ‘happy birthday,’ he always asks ‘Who is celebrating birthday? When we say he is the one, he would just say ‘Thank you.’

What is his favourite meal?

As an Ijesha man, he loves pounded yam and egusi soup spiced with bush meat.

What is his special drink?

He likes a bottle of chilled coke and water.

Don’t you think your music career was influenced by who your father is?  

I do not see it that way even though my father often encourages me to be a preacher fully and leave music. He believes that since I am not singing for money, my being a preacher serves the same purpose in propagating God’s word. Singing is my passion and being a child to a man of God is God’s design to continually ignite the passion.

What are the values you have imbibed from him?

There are so many values to learn from my father. But the first thing I have learnt from him is humility. He is a very humble man and he always tells us to humble ourselves anywhere we go. There was a time he sent seven persons to call one of his drivers. He was sending them one after the other because the driver was not heeding his call. When the driver eventually came, he asked him why he did not answer any of his emissaries. The driver did not say anything on that but only confirmed that he saw the seven people my father sent to call him. My dad only said if he was no longer willing to work with him, he was free to leave. I was humbled by his humility and the way he handled the situation. He did not show any anger because I know that he understands people. He is also loving, generous, God-fearing, hardworking and kind. All these values I have imbibed from him. He calls my mother four times in a day no matter where he is to say hello. He does call us too.

Does he keep a routine schedule? 

He does not have a fixed schedule. He also sleeps for only three hours daily. We were once living on the church premises in Ibadan and before we moved to our house in Jericho, it took a long while. He said he prefers to see people clapping because it gives him strength. He does not put his telephone off so that people can reach him and he is always on the move.

In what ways have you benefitted from your father’s name?

I cannot quantify that. There are so many opportunities I get because of who my father is. There was a time I was shopping in London and somebody approached me to pay my money. I have received many favours each time people know I am one of Prophet Abiara’s children.
How do you feel during those moments?
I always give glory to God because I see it as a privilege. I also appreciate my father for being a wonderful dad.

What is his method of handling misunderstanding with your mother?

My parents usually did not allow us to know whenever there was any disagreement between them. But we somehow suspected that something was wrong through the looks on their faces.  Whenever we pestered my mother, she used to give us an idea that something was wrong but she would not categorically tell what it was.

What is his favourite sport?

When he was younger, he was a boxer. I think he quit the sport when somebody beat him. But he still watches boxing. There was a time he bought a golf kit and I went with him to play golf somewhere in Ibadan. After the game, we went home and he slept after complaining of back pain. Since that time, he was not regular at the game until he stopped it entirely.

How does he administer the church?

He really does not bother about administrative matters because he sees them as bottlenecks. He has his own style. Whenever there is a meeting, he only takes the opening and closing prayers because administrative matters bother him. He believes God is the only administrator and He alone has been assisting him in that area. He puts everything before God.

Considering his efforts at instilling core values in his children, how did he react when one of your sisters, Leah, was in the news for a wrong reason?

Let me say that most of the things reported about my sister, Leah, then were untrue.  For instance, she was said to have worn a diamond-laced gown on her wedding day. I saw the gown. It was laced with crystal stones and not diamonds. It was a normal gown only decorated with shinning, big stones. There was also a report that he had a flamboyant boyfriend. Really, it was difficult to situate the exact allegations about her. Since the allegations could not be substantiated, my father did not say much on the matter.

What is your most intimate moment with him?

 When I was told to withdraw from medical college, I was expecting a very wild reaction from him. He just asked me what I wanted to do next despite the fact that he had spent much on me to run the course. He never mentioned the matter till date. It is one intimate moment I will never forget with him.
Source  punchng

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