11 Sept 2013

Gucci Mane releases sex photos of Nicki Minaj ?(Photos)

 He wasn't joking oh! After claiming he had sex with Nicki Minaj,Fantasia,Keysha , and many more, Nicki took to twitter to say
"May God strike me dead if I ever had sex wit that man #ugliness," Minaj "He's sick and in dire need of rehab. #Love"
He went further to say, he has pics of of Nicki doing "The thing"back in Atlanta before she became a superstar.If you missed his tweets ,read HERE.
Looks like its true,unless this is a serious case of photoshop.//Please the photo is 18+ ohhh

(Just In...Gucci Mane's Brother Says The Rapper's Twitter Account Was Hacked.)

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